CPD Guidelines for Course Providers

All course providers seeking to conduct CPD courses related to Professional Competencies will need to obtain prior approval from CEA. Courses that do not meet the criteria will not be approved and cannot be claimed as a Professional Competency CPD course.

In developing CPD courses for Professional Competencies, course providers should customise every course to meet the specific needs of salespersons in their professional development. Course providers should not dilute the course content of Professional Competencies by bundling such contents with Generic Competencies.

Enhanced Accreditation Criteria for Professional Competencies under Structured Learning Courses

On 19 May 2023, CEA announced eight measures under Project ADEPT that will be implemented from October 2025 to help KEOs and real estate salespersons enhance their competencies and to prepare them for the future economy. These include the reconfiguration of CPD requirements and introduction of new and tighter accreditation framework for CPD courses.

To enable Key Executive Officers (KEOs) and Salespersons to benefit from these new courses even before October 2025, CEA will commence accepting and accrediting courses for Structured Learning (including Prescribed Essentials) under the new accreditation criteria with effect from 16 Sep 2024. Eligible course providers may submit their courses and the required documents to CEA in My CPD Portal, based on the new accreditation criteria which is elaborated in the CPD Guidelines for CPD Course Providers.

Who can apply to be CPD course provider for Professional Competencies?

Eligible CPD course providers for the real estate agency industry include the following:

  1. Government Agencies
  2. Local Tertiary Institutions
  3. National Continuing Education & Training (CET) Centres
  4. Real Estate and Related Industry Associations, and their Training Providers 
  5. CEA Approved Course Providers (ACPs)
  6. Estate Agents
  7. SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Training Providers#

#SSG Training Providers must have SSG-supported courses with a validity period of at least two months from the time of application to CEA, and can only offer courses based on the new course accreditation criteria.

CEA reserves the right to register a CPD course under CEA's CPD scheme based on its own discretion. CEA also reserves the right to withdraw the recognition if a course organiser fails to comply with the conditions prescribed.

How to submit for approval

Each Professional Competency CPD course application will be charged a prevailing assessment fee of $392.40 per application (inclusive of 9% GST). Course providers are required to submit to CEA the detailed course content for each Professional Competency CPD course application, CV of trainers and briefing materials. CEA may ask for presentation from providers on their proposed activities before approval and award of CPD credits.

Please refer to the list of relevant CPD documents for reference. 

  1. CPD Guidelines for CPD Course Providers
  2. Standardised Post-Course Evaluation Form
  3. Consolidated Feedback Report Template
  4. CPD Course Application Process Flow Chart (Professional Competencies)
  5. My CPD Portal User Guide for Course Providers

Documents required to be submitted in the CPD course application in My CPD Portal

  1. Form A – CPD Course Proposal Form*
  2. Form B - CPD Course Trainer Form and supporting documents of Trainer’s relevant qualifications
  3. Course Materials
  4. Sample CPD Course Proposal Form [For reference]

*Form A is only required if Course Provider is applying for a course under Enhanced Accreditation Criteria for Professional Competencies under Structured Learning Courses.