Key Enforcement Statistics

The following table highlights the information/statistics relating to CEA's investigation outcome and enforcement action taken against property agencies and agents. 

Table of Enforcement Action

Enforcement Action 1 Jan 2021 to 31 Dec 2021  1 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022   
Letter of Advice/Warning Served

Refers to cases where the offence is assessed to be less serious, and a warning letter was issued as a warning to offenders who have committed ethical breaches or criminal offences under the EAA and its subsidiary legislation.

 245  188

Letter of Censure (LOC)

Refers to cases where CEA issued LOC and/or imposed a financial penalty of up to $5,000. Penalties imposed will be published in the errant party's records in the CEA Public Register.

The Letter of Censure (LOC) disciplinary regime was one of the key amendments under the Estate Agents (Amendment) Act 2020 operationalised on 30 July 2021.

 0  2
Disciplinary Committee (DC) action

Refers to cases heard before the CEA Disciplinary Committee.

The DC can revoke, suspend, attach new conditions or vary any existing condition attached to the registration or licence of a RES or EA respectively and/or impose a financial penalty of up to $100,000 for RESs and $200,000 for EAs per case. The DC may also admonish or reprimand the RES or EA in writing.

 30  17
Court Prosecution

Refers to cases heard before the Court.

The Court may convict and impose a fine and/or imprisonment on offenders who committed an offence under the EAA or its subsidiary legislation, up to the maximum prescribed statutory limit for the offence.

 5  9
 Total  280  216